Sunday Sermon

November 12, 2023

Scripture:Luke 19:41-48

Sunday Sermon

October 29, 2023

Scripture:Acts 12

Sunday Sermon

October 22, 2023

Scripture: Nehemiah 4

Sunday Sermon

October 15, 2023

Scripture:Acts 10

Sunday Sermon

October 8, 2023

Scripture: Colossians 1

Sunday Sermon

October 1. 2023

Scripture Matthew 10:1-8

“My Ozzie Story”

God is calling you to do something just as He called the 12 Disciples. Are you willing?

Sunday Sermon

September 17,2023

Scripture: Matthew 8:23-31, Daniel 3:19-28

No matter what fiery furnace you find yourself in in life- There is ALWAYS a fourth man in the fire!


Sunday Sermon

September 3, 2023

Scripture- Luke 19:1-17

God puts you in certain places at certain times. Zacchaeus found the reason he was brought to climb the tree when Jesus went by in his travels.

Sunday Service 8/27/23

Scripture- Luke 10:25-37

“ Who is my neighbor?”

Jesus says we must love our neighbor but who is our neighbor.

Sunday Sermon 8/20/23

Scripture- Luke 19:12-27

“ God’ Gifts”

God has given each of us gifts and it is our job to use those gifts for the glory of God’s Kingdom.

Sermon 8/13/23

Scripture- Psalm 22:1-8,17-18

“God’s Timing”

We are all guilty of trying to push our timing concerning events in our lives, however, we must rely on God’s timing. Whatever God has planned for us, He has a timeline as well. When we look back on difficult times, we can see God had it under control…we must always trust Him because His way is the BEST way.

Sermon 8/6/23

Scripture- Matthew 3:1-12

“God Didn’t Make No Junk”

Everyone has worth no matter your life, your age or your history. The Holy Spirit is available to everyone - all you have to do is let Him in. No matter what people say God sees you as worthy.

Sermon 7/30/23

Scripture- Isaiah 35

“Marching to Zion”

Our journey down the road to Zion will be filled with challenges but if your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, God promises us He will be by our side the whole way. He is preparing our heavenly home for us right now. In Isaiah 35:6, God reminds us….For waters shall burst forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert. Straight is the path and narrow is the gate to reach everlasting joy.

Sermon 7/23/23

Scripture- Proverbs 11:13-13; James 3

“The Untamable Tongue”

The tongue is the most powerful member of our bodies. Satan can use it to put evil, self seeking confusion in our minds. Jesus can use the tongue to share mercy, love and peace with others. The tongue is very difficult to control and can cause scars just as painful as physical wounds. Only God can help us to bridle our tongues and help us to use it to be an ambassador for Jesus Christ.

Sermon 7/16/23

Scripture Reading- Habakkuk 3

“FOG- Focus On God”

Habakkuk was not happy with the way the world was going and he took his concerns to God. In the end, Habakkuk learned through all the dark times to remained focused on God’s strength and He will make us as surefooted as the deer.

Sermon 7/9/23

Scripture- Joshua 10:1-15


The children of Israel went forward and they drew their swords and they gave all they had and God offered up all the rest. God wants you to be involved in whatever mission He calls you to do and He will help you when you fall short.

Sermon 7/2/23

Scripture- Galatians 4

God can not tolerate sin…not even the smallest little bit of sin. Therefore, he requires an atonement for that sin and Jesus blood provides that tenement for our sin and allows us to go into the Throne Room, talk with Our Almighty Father and have access to the Kingdom for eternity.

Sermon 6/18/23

Scripture- 1Peter 5:1-11

The spiritual leadership of fathers is so important to children today. God is our Father and He sets an example for us today.

Sermon 6/11/23

Scripture- Romans 12

Every one of us has a God given gift which we can use for the God’s Glory. Everything you do ask yourself…Am I doing this for God or am I jut going through the motions?

Sermon 6/4/23

Scripture- Acts 2:1-21

“In Jesus Name”

Always remember- God calls you to take up your cross and to claim ground in Jesus name.